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Dziś w Kościele. Ireneusza bp m. I tydzień psałterza. Asgeir występuje z własnym zespołem, Ásgeir Band.

Gra także na gitarze w zespole islandzkiego Piękny lew. Pojedyncza przebywał na szczycie islandzkiego Singles Chart przez 9 kolejnych tygodni od grudnia do końca stycznia r. Wersja angielska Dýrð í dauðaþögn pod tytułem W ciszy zostały zaplanowane na międzynarodowym wydaniu w dniu 27 stycznia roku, ale została udostępniona online na iTunes w dniu 28 października roku amerykański piosenkarz John Grant pomógł z tłumaczeniem tekstu i ponownie produkcję albumu języka angielskiego.

W oparciu o sprzedaży online, album już na mapach w Belgii i Holandii. Podczas North American trasy koncertowej , Asgeir wykonywane utwory zarówno w języku angielskim i islandzkim.

Source Authors Original. The surveys allowed to determine the original interior layout of the structure and revealed Gothic portals and figure polychromy. In , its roof and western gable were secured and reinforced. In , part of the building was allocated for museum use. Between and , the façades, stonework, wall paintings and wooden ceilings underwent conservation, maintenance and restoration.

The Długosz House is part of the collegiate church complex situated in the centre of the village. It occupies the south-western part of that complex. The Gothic building is a multi-storey structure with a basement, built on a floor plan in the shape of an elongated rectangle, with a slope in the south-western corner. It has a tripartite layout of rooms, almost the same on all storeys. It consists of a pass-through hallway, with stairs within the walls, framed by a corridor to the west with a group of cells on the sides, and two rooms to the east ground floor — kitchen.

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The former refectory is located on the upper storey over the hallway. The building was erected of brick in a Gothic Polish patter and stone, and the interior was partly plastered. The building is covered with gable roof. Brick façades facing the east and west are topped by triangular gables with blind windows the central one features the Wieniawa coat of arms and adorned with decorations in the form of rhombuses made of vitrified bricks and corner limestone ashlars.

They were separated by uni- or bipartite windows with rectangular surrounds and topped with step-like endings reconstructed parts. Entrance to the building and passages between the rooms are emphasised by Gothic portals reconstructed parts.


Only two basements of the building are covered with barrel vaults, the other are topped with ceilings mainly made of wood; coffered ceiling over the hallway. The north-western room on the ground floor is covered with a painted ceiling with ornamental and heraldic decorations, and the southern wall is covered with a painting depicting the Christ the Martyr in a sarcophagus in the centre, framed on the sides by the depictions of a kneeing canon Jan Długosz?

The museum part of the building is used to exhibit monuments from the collegiate church and excavations works in Wiślica. The site is open to visitors. The building can be viewed during the working hours of the Regional Museum in Wiślica. Early medieval settlement with the remains of a Romanesque temple is the oldest urban layout in Wiślica. The value of this place is difficult to determine, apart from the legend that goes with it. And although very little is left today of those findings, the place still arouses intense emotion and controversy.

The bowl covers its relics, which means it dates back to the 11th century.

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However, there are serious doubts as to whether this structure was originally in the shape of a circular bowl. The church, contrary to the earlier opinions on its early chronology dating back to the 1st half of the 10th century, was founded at the turn of the 11th century. It is commonly believed to be the temple dedicated to St Nicholas mentioned by the medieval chronicler Jan Długosz.

It bordered on a graveyard and surrounded by a settlement, probably of commercial character, whose remnants were unearthed north and south of the church. The building was demolished in the late 13th century by Bishop Muskata and rebuilt, most probably, as a wooden temple. In the church was mentioned in the accounts of papal tax collectors, in in the papal tithe, and in the years in the accounts of the Apostolic Camera. After the temple was pulled down, a new cemetery was set up which operated until the 14th century when a road was built in the former cemetery grounds. The research was conducted in the years by Włodzimierz Antoniewicz and Zofia Wartołowska.

In some follow verification testing took place supervised by J. The remains of the settlement are preserved as a cultural layer and several relics. The alleged baptismal bowl is placed over them, to the north of the church and beneath its foundations. It was a semicircular recess of irregular form made of aggregate mixed with the soil.

No south part of the bowl was found inside the church. St Nicholas Church has been reconstructed as a small, single-nave building with a semicircular and slightly elongated apse. A rectangular room adjoins the church from the south where two tombs were found under stone panels and two earth burials. Two of them were female burials. Around the church, a churchyard was discovered composed of inhumation graves, mostly without equipment, including eight double burials. Several graves were covered by panels, one of them revealed a denarius of Duke Bolesław the Brave from ca.

One of the graves was a sarcophagus. Two phases of the functioning of the cemetery were distinguished: contemporary with the church and after its demolition. Also some fragments of seven log structures were discovered which are the remains of the settlement with St Nicholas Church at the centre. In the early Middle Ages 10th - 13th century Wiślica was one of the most important administrative centres of Małopolska. They were two settlement here, each of which was able to play the role mentioned above, though the discussed settlement was perhaps of a military nature with a permanently stationed military garrison.

The oldest rampart with the outer wall made of the so-called dry wall built from gypsum shale joined with clay is the only such structure in Małopolska. In Poland, there are but a few examples of use of this technique, all in Lower Silesia.

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Yet, it was a common way of making ramparts and embankments in Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia. The hill fort lies in an overgrown oxbow of the Nida River, about m south-east of Wiślica.

The settlement is well preserved and visible; it has a triangular shape with rounded corners. The preserved rampart is 3. The traces of the moat are visible. The complex is a single module of the area of approximately 1 ha. The hill fort was probably erected at the turn of the 10th century. It probably marked the beginning of the Piast rule in Małopolska.

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The motte was destroyed during a fire, possibly during the siege of Wiślica by the Ruthenian and Polovts tribes in , although it is uncertain which of the forts in Wiślica i. At the turn of the 13th century, probably during the Czech reign in the Małopolska region, a stone wall was erected in connection with the attempts of Władysław the Short to seize Wiślica. The are no signs of use of the hill fort afterwards.

During WWI, the hill was the Russian army artillery position. After WWI, the local population rebuilding their houses used the stone from the defensive wall of the fort, which was sold by one of the local construction entrepreneurs.